Friday, February 4, 2011

Into the wild

At the moment we stay in Witsand well known for it's excellent flatwater kitesurf conditions in Breede River. Today it's rainy and foggy and the little town seems to be a bit lost. It could also be part of a Hitchcock movie. Scary! But all in all the people here are easy going an when we brought our dirty clothes to the local laundry this morning Maerike the lady from the laundry gave me a friendly but hard smack to my ass to say goodbye. I wasn't surprised at all :-D

The last days we spent cruising along the garden route up to Port Elisabeth. We stayed one night in PE and visited the Sea View Lion Park the other day. This might be my first and last time that I spent with a lion in the same cage. Thanks good this two guys were born in August 2010 still tiny and very lazy.

The biggest attraction in the park are two five weeks old siblings and a eight week old cub. Have a look at the photos. You can see some nice scratches on the caretakers arms as these little guys do not know how to use the claws in the right meaning.

Sunday the 30th of January we wanted to see the real lions and visited Addo Elephant Park. We were surprisingly lucky and spotted a lot of animals. In the evening an older dutch couple told us that they spent three days in the park and did not see the lion, the rhino nor the buffalo.


We ended that day with a nice Kudu carpaccio and a bottle of Durbanville Hills Chardonnay.

On the way back to Witsand we stayed overnight in a lodge in Titsikamma. It was a nice place but a typical tourist trap and therefore expensive. But we were to tired to find another option. We indulged ourseleves the private jaccuzzi to get rid of the dirt from the last days!

We also spent one night at Mosselbaai in the Santos express an old train that has been parked 30 meters from the beach and been converted into a hotel.

Typical men!!!


  1. Marius vom Kitespot LangenargenFebruary 5, 2011 at 1:36 PM

    Hi du,

    habe gerade erst gesehen, das du auch ein Blog hast. Ist ja sehr spannend. Unsere Weltreise geht am 01.03.2011 endlich los und wir sind dann ab dem 02. März in Kapstadt. Kommt ihr auch nochmal nach Kapstadt?? Wenn ja können wir uns ja evtl. treffen wenn du Lust hast. Kannst mir ja über Facebook bescheid geben.

    Grüße aus LA

    Marius Biggör

  2. Schöne Bilder, hoffe bald mehr davon zu sehen.
    Das Bild mit dem Kanu spricht ja für sich. Titel „Die Frau hat Arbeit und mir geht es gut.“
    Gruss aus dem nebligen Rorschacherberg.

  3. Hallo Ihr Zwei,
    jetzt komme ich endlich mal dazu, Eure Bilder anzuschauen! Genial! Ich hoffe, es geht Euch immer noch so gut wie vor einigen Wochen, als wir uns sahen. War total schön mit Euch!
    Viele Grüsse,
